Monday, October 8, 2018

Trader Joe's To The Power Of Seven Green Organic Juice Blend

The original Power of Seven remains one of my all-time favorite juices. I love it. The only thing that prevents me from always having it on hand is its relatively high cost. So of course I had to try its new sibling, despite misgivings from seeing kale and spinach juices as the first ingredients.

I can instantly discern the apple and celery components, the cucumber with a little more mental probing of my taste buds. I'll just have to take Trader Joe's word for it that there's lemon and ginger. But the dominant flavor is, well, grass clippings, surely coming from the kale and spinach.

Will I buy it again? 

No. I don't hate it, but it feels more like taking medicine than drinking something I enjoy. Who wants to start the day like that?


  1. Ha! Well then make sure you avoid the cold pressed green juice that is refrigerated- i make my own green juice and that one is a bit rough even for me....
    I haven’t tried this one and won’t because celery is a bad idea in green juice. If you have some left and don’t want to return it a splash of oj will help mask the grassy flavor

  2. I absolutely love this juice.
    It’s seriously the most delicious juice!
