Friday, March 13, 2020

Trader Joe's Everything But The Elote Seasoning Blend

I have now tried this in four different ways:

1. On buttered corn on the cob. This is its primary intended purpose. The label suggests that adding mayo further recreates the street elote experience. I didn't do that. I think mayo on corn sounds gross. But this seasoning mix on corn was great--loved it. It's the only thing I've ever found that makes corn on the cob better than just butter (with or without salt).

2. On buttered toast, instead of cinnamon-sugar. Meh. Seemed odd and out of place.

3. On popcorn. Judging by my monitoring of the #TraderJoes hashtag on Twitter, this is the second most popular use. It was good, but I didn't think it was better than just butter and salt, which is my standard preparation. Unexpectedly, it lent a distinct tone of sweetness to the popcorn. It was so prominent that it prompted me to look for the first time at the ingredients. Sure enough--"cane sugar" is first on the list. I did not notice that sweetness in any of the other three applications, for reasons that I can't explain.

4. On steamed mixed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots). As with toast, the flavors didn't blend right, and it seemed clashing. Not terrible, but not enhancing, either.

Will I buy it again? 

No. The only use for which I want to keep it around is corn on the cob. And I eat that rarely enough (3-4 times a year, I guess) that this one shaker should last me nearly until the heat death of the universe. But it's definitely good in that context, and well worth a try.

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