Monday, October 21, 2019

Trader Joe's Plaintain Crisps

Nina spotted these at the store, brought them home, and served them with dinner at her house last night.

When I first opened the bag, I was startled to see some thick, wet, yellow goop clinging to the inside of the bag:

Turns out this is dust from the chips, clumped and moistened by the excessive oil in which they are cooked. Harmless, but unattractive--and not what one expects to see upon opening a bag of chips.

This gives you a hint of how oily the chips are. It's their worst feature, and a complete deal-breaker for me. They are the greasiest chips I've ever had. Which is too bad, because they otherwise have a nice flavor and crunchy texture.

This oiliness is made worse by reading the list of ingredients and realizing that they've used palm oil. Orangutans are being endangered because their native forests are being burned and chopped down to plant palm trees. I don't want to contribute to that. I see no reason that Trader Joe's couldn't use something else.

They're nothing like either Trader Joe's Sweet Plantain Chips or TJ's Jerk-Style Plaintain Chips, in either flavor or texture.

Will I buy it again? 


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