Three Portland Trader Joe's workers report from the front lines
9 new Trader Joe's products that will make summer entertaining a breeze
10 Trader Joe's spices and seasonings for under $3
The 12 best things I always buy at Trader Joe's
The Trader Joe's snacks you must try this summer
Best tweets of the week:
#TraderJoes was out of Unexpected Cheddar, which I was not expecting.— Joel Kramer (@Joel_K_Kramer) June 20, 2020
Well played #TraderJoes, well played.— Self Isolated Rock Lobster (@HakusanLad) June 20, 2020
Am I really standing in line at Trader Joe’s for some cookie butter? You bet your ass I am #TraderJoes #cookiebutter #COVID19 #SocialDistanacing #Texas— Ms. Zamilpa (@dangitmszamilpa) June 21, 2020
Can we PLLLEEEEAAAASSSE STOP with the dogs in grocery stores? @WholeFoods #traderjoes why you allow this? And during a pandemic when we are being asked to bring 1 person per household #forfuckssake #leaveyourdogsathome— Jenna (@JennaMHill) June 24, 2020
I requested to join a #traderjoes Facebook group and they accepted me and tagged me in a welcome post and I have never felt more like an adult than I do now 🤨 #grownup— Becca Kirkpatrick (@bec_bec02) June 26, 2020
Sadly, I found no new pictures of cute cats in Trader Joe's grocery bags this week.