Great wines at Trader Joe's for under $20
What to buy at Trader Joe's for Thanksgiving cooking
9 budget-breakers to avoid at Trader Joe's
Cheap wines from Trader Joe's for Thanksgiving
7 ways to use Trader Joe's cauliflower gnocchi
Favorite vegan foods shopping list
2 new festive holiday drinks from Trader Joe's for vegans
11 Trader Joe's dishes to bring to Friendsgiving
5-way grocery store price comparison for Thanksgiving
Best tweets of the week:
The soy chorizo at #TraderJoes will open your third eye and send you through the astral plane.— Sieg Mattel (@siegmattel) November 10, 2018
A modern day werewolf. He’s upset because he can’t find his car. All he wants to do is go home and eat his chicken tikka masala in peace. #art #furry #furryart #werewolf #TraderJoes— LunarTiger (@tiger_lunar) November 10, 2018
#TraderJoes makes it easy to be a vegetarian... and I'm not even a vegetarian lol— MTChaput (@Madhouse37x) November 10, 2018
My kids made this #TraderJoes turkey kit which will now haunt my dreams forever.— TZE CHUN (@anygivenchunday) November 11, 2018
Thanks for the nightmares, #TraderJoes .— Erin Jayne (@liveinauntie) November 11, 2018
Just ate a peppermint JoJo in the back of the library. Thought it was a regular one. Super gross. #UnpopularOpinion #TraderJoes #pullyourselftogether— Meagan Kellermann (@MegRKBrown) November 11, 2018
Find My Friends but for #TraderJoes cauliflower gnocchi.— Karly Stillman (@KarlyStillman) November 12, 2018
Pepermint Joe Joe's may be the closest thing we have to proving god's existence. #TraderJoes— Kate: All-Natural Cheese Product (@Twist_of_Kate) November 12, 2018
at #TraderJoes and some little kid grabs a loaf of bread and whispers “i’m in heaven, i love you, bread.” the best and most relatable thing i’ve ever witnessed.— danielle p. (@drdpdo) November 13, 2018
Me, looking at half a box of #traderjoes peanut butter cups.— Disney's Robin Hood (@ChrisGriswold) November 13, 2018
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
Don't say it
"You know, you're going to keep eating these if you don't just eat them all right now."
Found the ultimate 1st world problem it's when your favorite item at #TraderJoes goes out of circulation and you have to use the closest equivalent at Ralph's/Vons like a goddamn peasant— Daniel Prouty (@proutyknowsbest) November 14, 2018
I know there are a lot of rules for writing going around, but mostly I feel like it's important not to fall in love with a writing snack that subsequently gets discontinued. (Looking at you, #TraderJoes and my beloved Mochi Bites) 😭— Daegan Fryklind (@daeganf) November 17, 2018
— Tom Bradley Jr. 📚 (@TBradleywrites) November 17, 2018
And finally, here's this week's cute cat with a Trader Joe's grocery bag. Nobody has posted one on social media recently (at least not that I have seen), so here's an old one of my own kitty, Lucy:
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