Sunday, November 1, 2015

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Covered Marshmallows

When I spotted these in the TJ's candy aisle in late January, I was both perplexed and delighted. I thought they were the Dark Chocolate Minty Mallows, still on sale well after the season for them should have ended. Closer examination, however, revealed that they were not the same thing.

They're similar, however, and it seems obvious in retrospect that the seasonal version must be a variation on this original. I can discern only two differences between them. First, these are round, while the minty ones are squarish--which is puzzling, but of no consequence.

Second, of course, is the absence of the peppermint flavoring in the marshmallow center. And that turns out to make all the difference. Without the peppermint, these lose most of their appeal. They seem lifeless and dull. They're not horrible--not by a long shot. I'm happy to eat them. But they don't make all the synapses in my brain light up with joy the way the minty ones do.

Had I encountered these before the Minty Mallows, I might have liked them more. Sadly, though, they are made less appealing by knowledge of the existence of a better version of the same basic concept.

Will I buy it again? 

No. I'll wait for December and get the good ones.

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