Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Trader Joe's Organic Pea Soup

This is the third item I've reviewed in Trader Joe's line of refrigerated soup. First there was the organic vegetable soup with quinoa and kale, then the organic roasted tomatillo gazpacho.

This struck me as pretty generic pea soup. Perfectly edible, nothing wrong with it, but no better than if it came from a can at WalMart. The TJ's Blandification Committee has thrashed this into nearly lethal boringness. At $3.99 for what amounted to only two servings, it ought to be a damn sight better than that.

Sure, you could improve it by adding some salt and hot sauce, maybe sprinkling some sort of potent shredded cheese on top, etc. But (1) that's true of the cheapest canned pea soup, too, and (2) why don't Trader Joe's cooks take care of that for you?

Will I buy it again? 

I can't think of a reason that I would. However if offered a free tub of any of the three products in this line of TJ's soups, I'd pick this one.

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