Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Trader Joe's White Stilton With Apricots

Sorry for the crappy photo. I didn't realize how badly I had botched it until it was way too late to go back and take a better one.

I had no particular reason to pick this; it just looked interesting, different from anything I've ever had before. And it was. I couldn't imagine what cheese and apricots would taste like together. Turns out, it's a combination that works surprisingly well.

I don't think I've ever eaten Stilton cheese before. It's among the most mild-flavored cheeses I've tried. Maybe apricots only work well with a cheese that mild.

It was extremely crumbly, essentially impossible to slice with any implement.

Will I buy it again? 

No, but I'm very happy to have tried it once.


  1. This is the least Stilton cheese I have ever had. It is edible but unrecognizeable as anything remotely considered as Stilton. Obviously the title was to suck in buyers to try a lackluster product.

  2. My daughter and son in law included this cheese on a cheese tray they made for my birthday, i enjoyed it very much, i would never have bought something like this myself, as i'm always in mom mode on saving money and such, but it was great, and then paired with water crackers and a bit of beef jerky, well the flavors exploded, i'm sure i made people cringe with that, but it is what it is :)

  3. I
    I LOVED it! It doesn't have the bite or taste of a true Stilton cheese but it is delicious on crackers or ginger thins. I also added it to salads.

  4. I bought it for the first time. I would rebrand it as something other than Stilton - although I have enjoyed the taste I just had. I might mix it with butter and garlic and something with some heat and put it on freshly roasted corn!

  5. It is delicious...crumbly , but the flavor is outstanding.

  6. My very favorite cheese! Great addition to charcuterie!

  7. Very dissapointing

  8. I love this stuff. Buy it every time I go to TJ’s.

  9. I love this cheese. I eat it with apples every night when I have it. I just wish I could find it at more stores.
