Sunday, November 16, 2014

Trader Joe's Salt Water Taffy

I had not had salt water taffy in years when I saw this bag in the tempting "buy me!" rack next to the cashier. So I did. I took it on my big trip as part of the snack supplies.

It was extremely--and I mean extremely--mediocre. It had none of the contrasting saltiness that I remember from past encounters with this kind of candy. It just wasn't very interesting or appealing. I could eat three or four pieces, and not want any more. Now, that may sound like a healthy approach to candy, but it is certainly not my usual state of mind--unless the candy is truly, exceptionally mediocre, as this is.

Will I buy it again? 

The encounter has rekindled my interest in finding some good salt water taffy around here, but I won't be looking for it at Trader Joe's.

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