Saturday, April 7, 2018


This is my weekly roundup of news and other links about Trader Joe's.

Trader Joe's lack of name-brand products is appalling

The branding genius of Trader Joe's

Why your business should be more like Trader Joe's

Our go-to Trader Joe's shopping list

15 Trader Joe's items that everyone should obsess over

Dead lizard found in bag of Trader Joe's kale

Best cheeses at Trader Joe's

15 Trader Joe's foods you should not have in your kitchen

Best tweets of the week:

And finally--nope, still no new cats in Trader Joe's grocery bags. You people are failing me.


  1. Hi, I have a few pics of cats in TJ's bags. How can I send them to you?

    1. Please send your email address in another comment. I'll reply directly without publishing it.
