Friday, September 18, 2015

Trader Joe's Unsalted Organic White Corn Tortilla Chips

I don't know if this is a relatively new product at TJ's, but I had never noticed it before my most recent shopping trip. I suppose it wouldn't be hard for something like this to hide among the overwhelming selection of tortilla chips the store carries. I know I've whined about this before, but I'm doing it again: There are WAY more kinds of tortilla chips than is reasonable, given tight shelf space in the typical Trader Joe's outlet.

I didn't even know that unsalted tortilla chips were a thing. When I noticed this bag, I thought, "Well, I'm going to be eating them with some strongly flavored hummus, so maybe they don't really need salt."

In this I was mistaken. Tortilla chips need salt. Let's just set that up right now as a Kantian categorical imperative: Tortilla chips must have salt.

And now that we've all agreed on that, this product should be banished.

Will I buy it again? 

No. I assume that Trader Joe's will heed the collective demand of humanity on this point, and never again sully the world with unsalted tortilla chips.


  1. My husband loves these because he can't have much salt. I think it's great they offer them for those with high blood pressure and other issues.

  2. That's a good point, which I should have thought of myself.

    1. My wife and I are into our 80's and cannot have salt in our diet or we get painful leg cramps. We have been enjoying these unsalted corn chips for some years and are glad they are still available. No other unsalted corn chips are as good if they can be found.
      Joe and Louise in Rancho Palos Verdes, California

    2. They are also nice to mix with regular tortilla chips to get a lightly salted end product.
