Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Trader Joe's Organic Stock--Vegetable

I'm not sure is this is replacing the product that Trader Joe's has called "Organic Hearty Vegetable Broth," or if they will be sold side by side. Online sources disagree as to whether there's any actual difference between "stock" and "broth" when applied to non-meat-containing soup bases.

I didn't bother tasting this on its own, because who would use it that way? I made a batch of my favorite chili with it, and it was as good as always. So the stuff works.

Will I buy it again? 

Yes. I always keep a container of some such product around for when I get the impulse to make that chili, and this is as good as any.

1 comment:

  1. It's certainly not as delicious as a homemade broth, but then again i only make and use a homemade broth for thin soups where it's a key ingredient. As a cooking ingredient this is great and well rounded, not overly salty.
    I need to make that chili recipe! I have soyrizo and it's gotten really cold here now
