Monday, October 26, 2015

Trader Joe's Organic Tropical Fruit Blend

I have enjoyed several of Trader Joe's frozen fruit medleys (see here), and usually have one or more of them in my freezer at all times. They make for excellent late-night snacking--no preparation other than thawing for about 45 minutes, and much healthier than the candy I would otherwise be tempted to snarf down.

Given that I like all of the constituent fruits in this "tropical blend" (though I'd like to ask when strawberries became "tropical"), it seemed like an easy win for TJ's.

Not so much.

In the other medleys, the individual pieces of fruit were separated from the get-go; you just pour and let thaw. But in this one, they were glommed together in big, ugly hunks that I had to break apart.

Far worse than that, however, was that the final result, after thawing, was unappealing in almost every way. The banana pieces especially were, well, just gross--brown, shriveled, mushy, soggy, and lifeless:

The mango, pineapple, and strawberry weren't so bad, but they were nothing special. Frankly, the awfulness of the banana was like the proverbial bad apple spoiling the whole basket. Who would want to eat that glop?

This product is a major fail, Trader Joe's.

Will I buy it again? 

I'm not even going to finish off what's left of this bag. Maybe the rats in the landfill will enjoy it.


  1. Even if the bananas didn't look pre-digested, I would never buy any fruit blend that includes pineapple. After I eat pineapple, everything tastes ... OFF. Pineapple for dessert!

  2. I have found the quality of this blend to be very inconsistent and I hesitate to buy anymore.
